When you think of prenuptial agreements, you may think of something for the rich. While this may have been the case decades ago, this is no longer true. With millennials waiting longer to get married, the stakes are higher when they get divorced. Some have savings accounts, retirement accounts, vehicles, and even houses. Having to split up all these assets and more can be complicated.
Because of this, many engaged couples are planning their divorces before they even get married. They may be excited about the prospect of marriage, but not as excited about the differences in assets and debts. One party may have no debt, while their partner may have tens of thousands of dollars in credit card or student loan debt. How do they deal with this in a marriage?
They use a prenuptial agreement. While marriages are common, so are divorces. This means that when a couple decides to marry, they have to think about not only their lives together, but also the possibility of spending their lives apart in the event of a divorce.
A prenuptial agreement helps you define and protect your assets. It’s not something reserved especially for rich people. It’s a great tool for anyone who has anything of value that they want to protect.
Before a couple gets married, they should have discussions about financial expectations for a marriage. What do they expect after they get married? What does their partner think they are responsible for doing?
These questions are important because many couples think they just throw everything into a joint bank account and that’s it. Who gets what in the marriage? Who pays off the debts? What is fair for each party?
While you may want to discuss finances and assets with your partner before marriage, keep in mind that this is not the easiest conversation to have. Talking about the possibility of divorce is never fun and it may make your partner feel uneasy. They may feel as though you don’t trust them.
However, it’s good to do your research. Each state is different when it comes to divorce. There are different laws and expectations involved. You should know what will happen to your assets and what you plan to do.
While the conversation may not be romantic, it is necessary if you have concerns. It’s like having insurance on your marriage. Hopefully you may never have to use a prenuptial agreement, but you should be glad to have it just in case.
When a couple is engaged and planning their wedding, they’re not thinking about divorce. However, with the divorce rate roughly at 50/50, it is something to consider. When a couple plans in advance, they can avoid a messy, contentious split.
Whether you need a prenuptial agreement or need help with divorce matters, the Columbia prenuptial & postnuptial agreement attorneys at The Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, P.A. can help. Schedule a consultation today. Call (410) 774-5987 or fill out the online form. We have two offices to serve you.
Empire Towers
7310 Ritchie Highway, Suite 910
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: 410-766-0113
Fax: 410-766-0270
30 Corporate Center
10440 Little Patuxent Parkway,
Suite 900
Columbia, MD 21044
Phone: 410-964-0050