Glen Burnie Spousal Support/Alimony Lawyer

Glen Burnie Spousal Support/Alimony Lawyer

Glen Burnie Spousal Support/Alimony Attorney

Spousal support or “alimony” is a monetary amount paid to a dependent spouse during a divorce proceeding or after a divorce is finalized. It can be made temporary or permanent and the amount is completely discretionary, depending on the opinion of the court. This is one reason why it is important to consult with an experienced legal advocate if you are facing a dispute over spousal support. At the Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, PA, we offer experienced, strategic advocacy focused on protecting the financial interests and security of our clients. Call 410-766-0113 to speak with one of our experienced Glen Burnie spousal support lawyers about your spousal support concerns.

About Spousal Support in Maryland

Whether you are seeking an alimony support payment or you want to defend against unmanageable obligations, an experienced attorney can present the proper information to the court on your behalf. Alimony determinations are based on:

  • Duration of the marriage: The longer the marriage, the more likely one party is to collect support.
  • Earning capacities of both parties: If one party makes significantly more, he or she may be obligated to pay a dependent spouse to compensate for the difference.
  • Standard of living prior to divorce: While both parties stand to lose at the time of divorce, the court will consider the previous standard of living as a factor in its decisions.
  • Potential for future earnings: Even if one party currently makes significantly more, the court may lessen alimony payments if the other party can increase their future earnings through education or other training.

As your advocates we will seek to secure your financial well being after a divorce. Whether you are seeking to collect spousal maintenance or you want to protect yourself against unmanageable obligations, we know how to help.

Spousal Support and Adultery

It is important to know that in Maryland, the court will take into consideration fault at the time of divorce. Discoveries of adultery and abandonment can affect your ability to collect spousal support, as well as your future obligations. As your attorneys we will begin an immediate investigation to collect and preserve all necessary evidence for your case, locate any hidden assets, identify income, and take appropriate legal steps to either recover or defend against alimony obligations.

Contact Our Glen Burnie Spousal Support/Alimony Lawyers

For more information about how we can help you with your spousal support dispute, or to schedule a free consultation with a member of our firm, contact us by email or by phone at 410-766-0113. When we are not available at our offices in Glen Burnie and Columbia, our phone is monitored by a live answering service that will page us.


Anne Arundel County

Empire Towers
7310 Ritchie Highway, Suite 910
Glen Burnie, MD 21061

Phone: 410-766-0113

Fax: 410-766-0270

Howard County On the grounds of Columbia Mall

30 Corporate Center
10440 Little Patuxent Parkway,
Suite 900
Columbia, MD 21044

Phone: 410-964-0050

Baltimore County (Arbutus/Catonsville)

Phone: 410-719-7377

Fax: 410-766-0270