Decisions of the court in a divorce are made final through court orders regarding issues such as the obligation to pay child support or spousal support, or the arrangement for child custody. These orders of the court are enforceable by the court, and parties risk being fined or even jailed for failing to comply, along with other consequences. Nevertheless, parties sometimes violate court orders or neglect to fully comply with them. In these situations, it may be necessary for the other party to go back to court to compel enforcement. The Glen Burnie court order enforcement lawyers at the Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, PA represent parties in prosecuting or defending the enforcement of court orders in divorce and custody cases in Anne Arundel, Howard and Baltimore counties.
Maryland courts have many tools at their disposal to force compliance with family law court orders. For instance, if an ex-spouse is not paying child support or spousal support/alimony as required, the court could implement any of the following enforcement actions to compel compliance:
In the case of child custody orders which are ostensibly not being followed, the judge could require make-up custodial visitation time for a parent who did not get his or her allotted time. The judge could even permanently modify the custody order in favor of the parent who brought the enforcement action.
The court may also find the noncompliant party to be in contempt. Contempt of court is an offense against the court, which the court can punish in many ways, including fines and even jail time.
With such serious consequences at stake, it is imperative to seek high-quality, dedicated representation from an experienced Maryland family law attorney, whether you are the one seeking or challenging an enforcement action. At the Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, PA, our attorneys focus heavily in the areas of family law as well as criminal defense, so we are well-versed in litigation surrounding contempt of court actions in both civil and criminal arenas.
For quality advice and exceptional representation on either side of an action to enforce a child custody or support order in Maryland, including cases involving contempt of court citations, call the Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, PA in Glen Burnie or Columbia for a confidential consultation regarding your needs and goals.
Empire Towers
7310 Ritchie Highway, Suite 910
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: 410-766-0113
Fax: 410-766-0270
30 Corporate Center
10440 Little Patuxent Parkway,
Suite 900
Columbia, MD 21044
Phone: 410-964-0050