The issue of domestic violence is prevalent and can happen to anyone regardless of the job or social status. An Ann Arundel County domestic violence lawyer is experienced with the numerous kinds of incidents that can lead to arrest or a person seeking help to make the violence stop. Maryland domestic violence laws are in place to provide various forms of protections to those who have been subjected to abuse.
It’s not just problems with the law that can affect a person who has been accused of domestic violence. The aftermath of an incident, no matter its legal outcome, can influence a person’s employment as well. Such was the case with Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice. The three-time NFL Pro Bowl player was arrested for an altercation with his girlfriend in the elevator of a hotel during the off-season. The 27-year-old is being allowed to take part in a diversion program. The charges might be expunged from his record. That didn’t save him from the NFL taking steps to punish him as he was suspended for the first two games of the upcoming season. Rice’s case is evidence that a domestic violence issue can permeate a person’s life even if the legal problems are reduced due to program participation.
Violence in the home happens all too frequently. Fortunately for those who are victimized, Maryland domestic violence laws are in place to help. There are several options available to those who are being abused. A protective order can be taken out against a husband, wife, someone with whom a child is shared or someone with whom the victim has cohabitated for the previous 90 days.
A peace order can be taken out to stop abuse from a neighbor, acquaintance or stranger. There are also various kinds of orders including interim, temporary and final to provide forms of protection while ensuring that the person accused of abuse pays for child support and maintenance.
In the case of Mr. Rice, he was allowed to enter a program to avoid legal entanglements, but is still being punished by the NFL. Domestic abuse has a tendency to escalate if not dealt with in its early stages. Those who are facing abuse have rights to be protected.
Source: The Huffington Post, “Ray Rice Suspended 2 Games By NFL For Domestic Violence Arrest,” July 24, 2014
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