In an ideal world, our spouse would have sex with us whenever we were in the mood. We would never have to wait until they were in the mood.
Unfortunately, not all couples are the same page when it comes to sex. The average amount of sex among married couples is seven times a month, while some have it more and others have it much, much less. It’s common for one person to have a higher sex drive than the other. While it’s also common to feel tired and not always be in the mood, especially once a couple is busy with children, it’s not normal to always make excuses to avoid sex. This can eventually kill a marriage and cause tension, especially if you are the spouse who is always being rejected.
While fighting over sex may seem trivial, it’s really not. Marriages survive on intimacy and sex. Once the intimacy is gone from a marriage, the marriage starts to suffer, especially if it has been months since the couple has been intimate. The spouses start to act like roommates. One spouse is not getting their sexual needs met, so they look for sex elsewhere. This leads to infidelity and divorce.
In short, a lack of sex can lead to dissatisfaction, which will ultimately kill a marriage. Here are some ways this can happen.
Usually, this happens because the spouse with the lower sex drive will determine when he or she wants to have sex. This may be once every couple of months. Sometimes it could be years. Both partners should be satisfied with the amount of sex they are having. When they’re not, they start to feel resentful and angry.
Some spouses withhold sex from the other spouse as a form of punishment. In other cases, they offer it solely as a reward. Sex should not be used as either. It should be an activity both partners enjoy doing.
Many marriages become sexless over time. In 15% of marriages, the couples have not had sex for the past 6-12 months. This lack of intimacy can pose a real problem. The marriage turns into a platonic relationship and one party typically has built up feelings of resentment or anger, causing the marriage to eventually break down.
A person who is in a sexless marriage is usually not very content and this leads to anger and tension. Compatibility issues in the bedroom can lead to marital problems and eventual divorce.
Everyone craves intimacy, and nobody wants a spouse who is like a roommate. A sexless marriage often leads to infidelity or divorce. Divorce can allow you to move on. The Columbia divorce lawyers at the Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, P.A. can help you end your marriage with the least amount of stress possible. We can help simplify the process. We have two offices to serve you. Schedule a free consultation by filling out the online form or calling (410) 774-5987.
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