Contacting a Maryland domestic violence lawyer to stop abuse

A Maryland domestic violence lawyer often deals with cases in which there is abuse of numerous kinds. It is a fact that these incidents occur and they frequently escalate over a period of time until there is the need for law enforcement to get involved. There are numerous ways in which an Ann Arundel County domestic violence lawyer can assist people who are suffering violence or any form of abuse in the home.

A woman and her boyfriend were both charged with separate crimes in a domestic violence incident. The 27-year-old woman informed investigating officers that she had had a disagreement with her boyfriend at approximately 5:00 p.m. The boyfriend took the woman’s cellular phone and refused to give it back to her. They argued and the 25-year-old man proceeded to smash the woman’s head into the wall numerous times. He then choked her and threw her on the couch, punching her. The woman told her daughter to call police. When the man attempted to leave, the woman took a hair pick and stabbed him in the neck with it. The man faces domestic violence charges and the woman with felonious assault.

When there is domestic abuse of any form occurring, there are options that the victim has to put an end to it. A person can seek protection from a spouse, from someone with whom they live with or share a child by filing for a protective order. A peace order can be used to gain protection from a neighbor, an acquaintance of a stranger. Understanding Maryland domestic violence laws can be useful in getting either a protective or peace order. There are three kinds of orders — interim, temporary and final. The final order provides benefits such as the other party having to make maintenance payments while the abused person has custody of any children from the relationship. It is valid for a year and is allowed to be renewed.

In this incident, the man was allegedly physically abusing the woman when she retaliated by stabbing him with a hair pick. Both were arrested. In cases with abuse of any kind, it is imperative to know how to end it without resorting to actions that will also get the abused person in trouble with the law. The first step should be to contact an experienced Maryland domestic violence lawyer to discuss the case.

Source:, “Victim in stabbing charged with domestic violence,” June 30, 2014

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