Filing for divorce often seems like a surreal experience to many spouses in that they have a hard time believing that they will no longer be married to the person with whom they previously envisioned spending their entire life.
However, when the reality sets in that the divorce is going to happen, this sense of disbelief is often replaced by a very real and very wide range of emotions.
Not surprisingly, these differing feelings — ranging from happiness, anticipation and relief to anger, guilt and sadness — can cause divorcing spouses to feel worn out both physically and mentally, and contribute to already elevated stress levels.
Unfortunately, all of this can be exacerbated when it comes time for one person to actually pick up and move out of the marital home. That’s because the spouses can argue over who gets what and replacement costs, feel a sense of great sadness when viewing or boxing up items with sentimental value, or experience resentment if the move will result in a smaller living quarters.
The good news to all this, however, is that experts have identified a few steps that divorcing couples can take to try to make the moving process that much easier and spare themselves unnecessary anxiety.
Whether you are actively considering filing for divorce or would like to learn more about certain divorce-related issues such as child custody or property division, consider speaking with an experienced legal professional as soon as possible.
Source: The Richmond Times-Dispatch, “Avoid a tug-of-war in divorce moves,” Peter Bacque, Oct. 25, 2014
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