Child support modification cases are sometimes difficult to handle. Knowing ahead of time what you will need to gather and having some basic information about what you will need to do can help you to determine a course of action. In almost all child support modification cases, there are some tips that can apply.
First, gather what you will need to show that a child support modification is in order. This should include documentation like recent paycheck stubs if you want to prove that your income has been reduced. If other circumstances change, you should gather proof that you can provide to show that you do need the modification to go through.
Second, if you are the parent who needs to have a modification, take action as quickly as possible. Child support payments will still be due as stated in the current order until a modification is made. Generally, retroactive changes aren’t possible. This means that you should file as soon as you know of the need so that you aren’t missing payments to the point of facing more legal trouble.
Third, you can try to work something out with the child’s other parent. Having an agreement can sometimes make things get sorted out a bit faster than if you have to head to court to hash out the situation there.
No matter what, it is important that you continue to make payments while you are waiting on the resolution of the modification petition. This might be difficult, but it is usually best if you try to keep up. If you are unable to keep up, find out if you have options to help keep you out of legal trouble.
Source: FindLaw, “Child Support Modification Tips,” accessed Dec. 07, 2016
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