The school year is almost over, which means that many children will get to enjoy summer vacation. If you and your child’s other parent aren’t together, there is a good chance that you will have a custody agreement in place. It is crucial that you take the terms of the agreement into account before you make any plans for the summer.
One of the first things you must consider is the schedule for custody that is used during the summer months. This might differ from the normal child custody schedule that is followed during the year. Make sure that you are making plans for your child only during the times when you will have your child.
A second point you need to look for in the child custody agreement is a geographical limitation. If there is one in the agreement, you should make sure that your plans don’t violate that agreement. In some cases, you will need to get the other parent’s permission or seek court approval for travel.
You should let your ex know about the travel plans as soon as you know the plans. This gives you time to work out the finer details, such as where the custody exchange will take place. When you tell your ex about the travel plans, you should make sure that you make arrangements for communciation so that your child can contact their other parent during the trip.
In some cases, you might need to seek a child custody modification or supplemental order in order to make summer plans work. Because of this, you should begin thinking about summer plans so you have time to get everything together prior to the trip.
Source: FindLaw, “Top 5 Tips for Child Custody and Summer Vacation,” Brett Snider, Esq., accessed April 26, 2016
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