Protective orders are useful when you escape domestic violence

Living in a home that is the site of domestic violence is dangerous. The danger extends from physical danger to emotional and mental danger. When things at home are always volatile, you might suffer and your children might suffer. For victims of domestic violence, getting away from the abuser and finding ways to stay safe are vital.

We know that the thought of leaving your loved one is scary. You might be worried about the person who has caused you so much pain following you. You might be worried about them harassing you or abusing you more since you left. The answer to those types of issues might be a protective order.

A protective order is used to help victims of domestic violence remain safe by ordering the person who was abusing them to stay away from them. The protective order is used if the victim and abuser were married, have a child together or have lived together for at least the previous 90 days.

One of the first things you can do when you leave the abusive situation is seek an interim protective order by visiting a court commissioner. You don’t have to let the alleged abuser know about this order. Once you get that order, a hearing regarding a temporary protective order is held within 48 hours. The final protective order hearing is then scheduled within 7 days if the temporary order is granted. A final protective order is valid for one year and can have certain conditions, such as child custody or emergency family maintenance, included.

We know that all of this might seem like a lot to go through once you leave the abuse. We can help you work your way through it all so you can stay as safe as possible.

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