Personality Traits That Can Make Divorce More Likely

The current divorce rate is under 50%. There are many reasons why couples fail to stay married, but why are some couples more likely to divorce? It has to do with personality types. Your spouse may be the nicest person in the world, but there are some personality traits that can doom a marriage, especially if the other spouse is not on the same page.

Nobody is perfect. We all have flaws, but it is important to recognize that these negative aspects of our personality can make spouses frustrated and eventually destroy a marriage. By becoming aware of your faults and making changes, you can enjoy being married. Here are some common personality traits that can increase the risk of divorce.


Narcissists have a high rate of divorce, which should not be shocking. Narcissists care only about themselves and their feelings, and are unwilling to see things from other people’s points of view. They always play the victim and refuse to take responsibility for their actions. Because narcissists are unable to live in reality, their spouses end up frustrated and file for divorce.

Compulsive Caregiving

Caring too much can actually ruin a marriage. When a person gives and gives, it shows a sense of control, which can be daunting for the recipient spouse. This is magnified when the recipient tries to do something nice for the giving spouse, but is met with contempt. This shows the spouse that they have nothing valuable to offer. This makes the relationship feel unequal, which makes intimacy less likely. In the end, both parties feel isolated.


Catastrophizing occurs when a person makes a big deal out of nothing. Forget to pick up something at the store? The spouse files for divorce. Come home from work five minutes late? Time to divorce. This often causes a person to file for divorce, realize they overreact, dismiss the divorce and then repeat after every incident. This can be very stressful for the other spouse, who is probably much more laidback.

Avoiding Arguments

You may think that never arguing is a sign of a good relationship, but really, it’s the opposite. While no couple should argue constantly, disagreements are essential. Nobody is going to be happy in their marriage 24/7, so when issues arise, it is best to get them out in the open and resolved quickly. When you avoid arguing with your spouse, issues go unresolved and communication worsens. You get madder and madder until your only option is to divorce.

Contact a Maryland Divorce Lawyer Today

Even though opposites tend to attract, certain personality traits can quickly derail a marriage. Marriage is about compromise and when the spouses cannot get along—or worse yet, they never argue at all—issues go unresolved and the relationship becomes stagnant, boring and even miserable.

Incompatibility in terms of personality can take a toll on a marriage. If you’re ready for divorce, the Columbia divorce attorneys at the Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, P.A. can help you through the process. We can guide you and offer advice along the way to make the process smoother. To schedule a consultation, fill out the online form or call (410) 774-5987. We have two offices to serve you.


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