Despite the debate surrounding law enforcement tools such as red light cameras and speeding cameras, officials in Baltimore County have moved forward and put several more of the tools to work. The newest cameras are meant to prevent speeding and car accidents around schools.
The four new locations of the speeding cameras are around Winand Elementary, Loch Raven Academy, Seven Oaks Elementary and Bais Yakoov. But the addition of the controversial cameras won’t end there, since a fifth camera is due to soon be put in action near a Parkville school. The Baltimore County Police Department has also announced that several more speeding cameras will be installed in other locations later this year.
Why is this notable news? It is always good for residents who drive in a certain community to understand traffic laws and to know what laws they are driving under. These particular cameras are meant to prevent speeding in school zones. If a driver is caught by a camera supposedly driving more than 12 mph over the speed limit, they shouldn’t be surprised to receive a traffic ticket in the mail asking them to pay a $40 fine.
These cameras and the traffic citations associated with them are controversial because of how the tickets are issued through the mail, supported by a picture and not an officer report. Some argue that an officer should have to stop and issue a citation in person. Machines have glitches, and these cameras could wrongfully lead to traffic tickets.
In fact, the newest addition of cameras was delayed due to a “technical difficulty.” Don’t let a technical glitch cost you your hard earned money and taint your driving record. If you have any doubts regarding a camera-related traffic ticket, a criminal defense attorney can help address the matter.
Source: Towson Patch, “A Day Later, Speed Cameras Are Operational,” Bryan P. Sears, July 13, 2012
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