Theft is a common crime. Anything can be stolen, from candy bars to automobiles. Many people have stolen once in their lives, while many people steal valuable items often and then resell them for a profit. This was what happened in Maryland.
The owner of a store in Waldorf was recently arrested for running a theft ring. The 42-year-old man, who owns Waldorf RC and Hobbies, has been charged with theft and theft scheme. He has been accused of stealing more than $100,000 of stolen property and then selling it out of his store and his home.
Theft and shoplifting increased in the area last year. In June, detectives started an investigation to see what was going on. They found out that the same items were being stolen over and over by the same people. They were stealing many types of items, but mostly lawn equipment, hand tools, breast pumps and printer cartridges. People were buying these items, so the group was making a profit off of them.
In September, law enforcement officials searched the man’s store, home and storage unit. They found stolen items valued at more than $100,000. Although many of the items were stolen, the man also bought items for less than 50% of its retail cost and then sold them online for a profit.
Approximately $180,000 in stolen property was sold online.
The man faces theft charges as well as illegal possession of a gun, which police found in his home. He has been indicted on these charges. He is currently free on bond.
The good news is that a lot of the merchandise was not only recovered, but also returned to its rightful stores. Officials worked with the stores affected by the thefts. With the help of inventory control and bar code technology, many of the items could be scanned and given back to the appropriate retailers.
The penalties for theft depend on the amount stolen. For example, stolen property valued at under $1,500 is a misdemeanor. You could face up to six months in jail and a $500 fine. When the value of the stolen goods exceeds $1,500, then the theft becomes a felony. If the value is under $25,000, then the penalties are a $10,000 fine and five years in prison. When the amount of stolen goods is valued at more than $25,000, a person can face a $25,000 fine and 20 years in prison.
Theft is a serious crime, especially in this case, where it resulted in $100,000 in stolen goods. A person convicted of such a crime can face felony charges, fines, prison time and other collateral damages for the rest of their life.
If you are facing theft charges, no matter the amount, the Columbia theft lawyers at the Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, P.A. can protect your legal rights. Our aggressive representation can provide you with a solid defense. Schedule a free consultation by filling out the online form or calling (410) 774-5987.
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