Maryland domestic violence laws can help a victim be protected

Maryland domestic violence laws are in place to protect the victim from being subjected to further abuse and harassment. When domestic incidents occur, the victim needs to understand that there are options available to try and prevent the abuse from continuing or happening again. An Ann Arundel domestic violence lawyer sees many different kinds of cases involving domestic violence and is aware of the process in assisting a client to put a stop to it and protect themselves and their children.

A 26-year-old man was arrested and charged with domestic violence on his ex-girlfriend. He allegedly entered her home, choked and assaulted her while two minors were on the premises. Police were called in the morning and found that the series of incidents had happened overnight. He had entered the house without the woman’s consent and proceeded to assault her. He departed right before police were contacted. He was found and placed under arrest. The man had previously been arrested for assaulting the same woman.

Incidents of abuse come across the desk of a Maryland domestic violence lawyer all too frequently. People who are victims of abuse or harassment often don’t realize that they have options to try and protect themselves and their children from an abusive spouse, acquaintance or stranger. A protective order can protect a person from a husband, a wife, a person with whom they share a child or someone with whom they’ve lived for at least 90 days. A peace order provides protection from a neighbor, acquaintance or stranger. With the various orders available – interim, temporary and final – a person who is subject to abuse can use the Maryland domestic violence laws as a way of keeping the abusive person from bothering them with the threat of arrest. These laws can also allow the abused person to receive custody of children and to be awarded spousal support.

In this case, the man entered the woman’s home without permission, assaulted her and was charged with strangulation, assault, risking injury to a minor and other charges. Because this has happened before with this particular couple, the woman would be well-advised to consider taking steps to protect herself against this man’s abuse. In order to learn how to do that, she should discuss the matter with a qualified legal professional well-acquainted with Maryland domestic violence laws.

Source:, “Norwich police arrest man after domestic violence incident,” Olivia Lank, May 5, 2014

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