In April, we shared a post about a tragic violent offense committed by a young, 14-year-old boy. The Baltimore Sun had reported that the young man admitted to assaulting his elderly grandmother with a hammer. She barely survived the severe assault, a point that left some worried that the young suspect wouldn’t get the treatment he needed from the legal system.
When an incident nearly leads to death, it can persuade not only the public but a court to treat even a child defendant like an adult. If a child is charged as an adult, he or she likely faces harsher sentencing and will have a more difficult time growing into a healthy adult life. Fortunately, the young man who hurt his grandmother has been given a chance at a normal life.
Initially, the child was charged as an adult with the following severe criminal charges: attempted first-degree murder, attempted second-degree murder, first-degree assault, second-degree assault and more. When we reported on the tragic case in April, the court was still unsure whether the adult charges would stand.
Last week, sources reported that the judge moved the case into juvenile court. The reason for the awaited decision has not been disclosed. In this case the young suspect was lucky. Maryland law automatically treats suspects who are 14 and older as adults. It is up to an individual judge to make the final decision about where the case will be handled.
Should reasons behind the judge’s decision be released, we will post an update. Earlier reports suggest that the young defendant may suffer from some sort of mental problem. That could have played a role in the judge’s decision but is mere speculation at this point.
Source “Boy Who Attacked Grandma To Be Tried As Juvenile,” Aug. 9, 2011
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