Domestic violence is most often thought of as physical abuse, but that is far from the only type of abuse that a person might suffer if he or she is in an abusive relationship. When thinking of domestic violence, it is important to remember that not all abuse will leave physical marks and scars.
What other types of abuse are possible?
Emotional, economic, sexual and verbal abuse are all types of possible abuse that a person can suffer while in a relationship. Each of these has its own ways that can make you feel like you are being abused. Emotional abuse can include trying to make you feel like you are worthless. Economic abuse means that the other person tries to control you financially. Sexual abuse has to do with forcing you to perform sexual acts against your will. Verbal abuse means you have to deal with hearing about how horrible you are, which can be attacks on how you look or what you do.
What are some signs that I should look for?
In some cases, an abuser might use intimidation as his or her chosen tactic. This could involve veiled threats. It could also involve forms of violence, such as punching objects or breaking things, as a way to make you see their power. Essentially, the goal of any form of non-physical abuse is to wear you down mentally so that they can control you.
If you are the victim of any form of abuse, you have options that can help you get out of the situation. Learning about what help is available might help you to develop a plan that can help you to walk away and live the life you deserve.
Source: The Huffington Post, “Abuse Is Abuse — Even If He Doesn’t Hit You,” Melissa Jeltsen, accessed Oct. 11, 2016
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