The widespread use of the internet has come with tremendous advantages. The ability to have information so readily accessible saves time and increases productivity. Unfortunately, since the internet is constantly evolving and internet laws are new, this area of law is difficult to navigate. If you were arrested for a cybercrime you could face severe federal and state charges and penalties. Most people do not realize the severity of these types of offenses. An internet crime attorney can defend you against the aggressive prosecution by state and federal law enforcement. Hacking into a secure computer network and the unauthorized access or surveillance of electronic communication may be charged as wire fraud. These are not charges that should be taken lightly and our internet fraud attorneys are here to vehemently defend you.
Internet crimes may be charged as wire fraud. Wire fraud is a federal crime with harsh penalties.
Under 18 U.S. Code Section 1343, wire fraud is the intentional deliberate defrauding of another using electronic communications such as telephone, email, computer or internet. You can face up to 20 years in prison if convicted of wire fraud. The prosecution is required to prove you intentionally and willfully engaged in a scheme or plan to defraud. Wire fraud can involve complex evidence of internet activity and should be handled by an experienced internet fraud attorney.
Cyber law is constantly changing as the legislature tries to keep up with constantly evolving technology. Cybercrime refers to any criminal activity where computers, mobile devices or internet access are used to aid in theft, fraud and internet privacy. As legislation struggles to keep up with the use and distribution of information, enacted internet laws are inadequate and confusing in their implementation and verbiage. The lack of clarity in the law explains why both individuals and businesses accused of internet crimes often do not even realize they were committing a crime.
Computer crimes are commonly referred to as cybercrimes and include:
Since Internet law and cybercrime are still relativity new areas of law you have been accused of an internet crime, it is vital you contact the Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink if you have been accused of an internet crime. Many internet charges are difficult to prove and defend in court. The evidence is complex and detailed. Contact our experienced Glen Burnie and Columbia cybercrime attorneys to litigate for you. We are here to help you face the magnitude of these charges with our comprehensive to handle these complex cases. Our job is to stay on top of this evolving field so we can better help client like you. This is not a task we take frivolously.
Empire Towers
7310 Ritchie Highway, Suite 910
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: 410-766-0113
Fax: 410-766-0270
30 Corporate Center
10440 Little Patuxent Parkway,
Suite 900
Columbia, MD 21044
Phone: 410-964-0050