Closed adoptions have some big advantages

When you are adopting a child, one question that comes up is what type of adoption you are seeking. Typically, the two possibilities are open and closed. In an open adoption, the child’s birth parents still have contact with the child. In a closed adoption, the birth parents don’t see the child. In most cases, you wouldn’t even know who the child’s birth parents are if you have a closed adoption.

One big advantage of a closed adoption that some adoptive parents appreciate is the privacy of the situation. Since the identities of the birth and adoptive parents aren’t known to each other, adoptive parents don’t have to worry about the birth parents trying to intrude on how you choose to raise your child.

Another advantage is that you don’t have to worry about your child feeling instability that might come if the birth parent is in and out of your lives. Children thrive on stability. When that is missing, the child might act out.

You also won’t have to worry about having to deal with the intrusions that might come with having the birth parents in the picture or accommodating their wishes to see the child.

Making decisions about adopting a child is something that takes a lot of thought. Make sure that you fully understand the situation that you are agreeing to. As you think about this and go through the process, you should make sure that you consider about how each decision you make now might affect you in the future. You also have to think about how they will affect the child.


 American Pregnancy Association, “Closed Adoption Advantages,” accessed April 04, 2017

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