Couples have been trying to figure out how to divorce-proof their marriages for as long as researchers have been trying to isolate which factors increase your overall divorce risk. A study recently published in the American Sociological Review has found one previously-unknown risk factor.
The study, spearheaded by a sociologist at Harvard University, tracked a over 6,300 couples from 1968 to 2013 to see which couples divorced and why. Of the participants in the study, 1,684 either permanently separated or divorced. The biggest determining risk factor for divorce was found to be whether or not the husband was able to maintain full-time employment.
According to the statistics from the study, men who maintain full-time employment have only a 2.5 percent change of divorce in the next year. However, men without full-time jobs had a 3.3 percent chance of divorce in the next year. That’s a 32 percent greater chance. Interestingly, the wives’ employment status had no affect on the divorce risk.
One possible reason for this is that we still maintain some of the gender roles from decades past that view the man should be the primary breadwinner. However, any financial problems can cause stress on a marriage and increase the chance of divorce.
Those experiencing these issues and considering a divorce may also wonder how debt and lack of income may affect their divorce settlement. If you have questions about what you are entitled to or what you should expect from the courts during your case, talking with a Maryland family law attorney can help you be better informed and prepared.
Source: Elite Daily, “You’re More Likely To Get Divorced One Day If This Applies To You,” Candice Jalili, July 29, 2016
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