Baltimore teenage boy accused of shooting teenage girlfriend

The age of adulthood in Maryland is 18. If a teenager is convicted of a serious crime such as murder, he or she could spend the good portion of his or her adult life behind bars. When recent scientific studies are telling us that the reasoning portion of the brain doesn’t reach maturity until the mid-20s, this may give us cause to reflect.

It was recently reported that a 19-year-old man from the Harwood neighborhood in north Baltimore, has been charged with murder for shooting his 18-year-old girlfriend. Apparently, the shooting was caught on a surveillance camera, so his criminal defense could be difficult.

The couple reportedly had been dating for two years. The 18-year-old girl was still in school and had reportedly told others that she wanted to break up with the 19-year-old. She claimed he had been physically abusing her.

On the day of the shooting, the couple was spotted entering a McDonalds on Greenmount Avenue. They ate together and then walked Barclay and East 27th Street where they chatted with some friends. The couple then continued walking to Guilford Avenue and East 26th Street where they once again stopped and were talking. It was at this location that the 19-year-old is seen pulling out a gun and shooting his girlfriend in the back of the head.

One may wonder how all of this surveillance video exists. Although it was not reported in the article, it is well-known that Baltimore was one of the first cities to make wide-spread use of neighborhood surveillance cameras. Perhaps it is one of these cameras that caught the events on video. However, some of these videos make it difficult to positively identify a person.

In any case, this Baltimore teenager will need vigorous legal representation if he is to avoid serious consequences.

Source: The Baltimore Sun, “Man, 19, charged in Harwood shooting death of girlfriend,” Justin Fenton, Nov. 7, 2012

  • At our Baltimore law firm we represent individuals who have been charged with violent crimes including murder such as the criminal charges mentioned in this posting.

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