Protective orders are issued in cases involving domestic violence and abuse or if you have been accused of stalking or harassing another person or family member. You may be already facing serious criminal charges based on these allegations. If you violate the terms of the protective order, the penalties you face will be even more severe. In this situation, you need an experienced Columbia protective order violation lawyer on your side. For the more than 20 years, the team at the Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, P.A. has been providing people in our area with the trusted legal guidance they need to defend themselves in these cases, helping to avoid a possible jail sentence.
Under Section 4–506 of the Maryland Family Law Statutes, a judge may issue a protective order on either a temporary or permanent basis. These are typically awarded in cases involving domestic abuse and harassment, to protect the alleged victim against any future harm. The terms of the order may prevent you from appearing at the alleged victim’s home, contacting them on the phone or via other forms of communication, and appearing at their work, school, or in other settings.
While this may seem like fairly clear cut guidelines to follow, keeping you away from the other person is not all that a protective order can accomplish. Depending on the situation, it may also include provisions for the following:
If you have questions about the order against you or concerns over your order to comply, it is important to reach out to our Columbia protective order lawyers immediately.
Abiding by provisions in a protective order may prove challenging, but failing to comply can get you into additional legal trouble. If you in any way violate the terms, such as by attempting to contact the other person or by not making required payments, a Petition for Contempt can be filed against you. This informs the judge of the situation and can result in an order for your arrest.
In this situation, our Columbia protective order lawyers provide the strong, aggressive legal defense you need. At the Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, P.A., we may be able to eliminate or reduce the penalties you face by proving your innocence, showing you did not understand the order or realize you were violating it, or by arguing that the order itself was unjust.
When you face legal battles that could jeopardize your rights and freedoms, the Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, P.A. is here to help. Contact our Howard County office at 410-964-0050 and request a consultation with our protective order violation lawyer today.
Empire Towers
7310 Ritchie Highway, Suite 910
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: 410-766-0113
Fax: 410-766-0270
30 Corporate Center
10440 Little Patuxent Parkway,
Suite 900
Columbia, MD 21044
Phone: 410-964-0050