Columbia Child Custody Modification Lawyer

Columbia Child Custody Modification Lawyer

Columbia Child Custody Modification Attorney

When parents decide to get divorced in Columbia and have minor children from the marriage, the court will make decisions about legal and physical child custody, and parents will be awarded sole or joint (shared) custody through a child custody order. At the time the child custody order is entered, it will represent what the court considers to be in the best interest of the child. However, circumstances can change. For instance, one or both of the parents may take a new job that requires very different hours at work (which will result in very different hours spent with the child). Or, a parent’s new job may result in that parent having to relocate, which would make a commute between the parents’ homes impossible. At the same time, needs of families simply can change as a child ages and develops a preference for spending more time with one of his or her parents.

It can be difficult to modify a child custody order since a modification needs to go back through the court, but it is not impossible to do so. You should discuss your case with a dedicated Columbia child custody modification lawyer to learn more about your options. At advocate at the Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, PA would be happy to speak with you today.

Best Columbia Child Custody Modification Lawyer

Material Change in Circumstances in Howard County

Modifying a child custody order is a three-part process under Maryland law. First, a parent must petition to modify a child custody order. Next, the parent petitioning for a child custody order modification typically needs to show that there has been a material change in circumstances. If the court determines that there has been a material change in circumstances, then it still needs to determine whether a modified child custody order would be in the best interest of the child. In order to approve a modification, the changes to the custody order must be in the best interest of the child.

How does the court determine whether there has been a material change in circumstances? Generally speaking, the court considers this question on a case-by-case basis, and no single factor is necessarily dispositive for proving that there has been a material change in circumstances. However, some situations that might qualify as a material change in circumstances include but are not limited to the following:

  • Custodial parent relocates to a new place that is a significant distance from his or her current home;
  • Child’s school district or schooling situation changes;
  • Custodial parent becomes incapacitated;
  • Custodial parent fails to provide adequate care for the child; or
  • One or both of the parents fails to adhere to the terms of the child custody order.

If the court determines that there has been a material change in circumstances, then it will seek to determine whether the modification would be in the best interest of the child.

Contact a Child Custody Modification Lawyer in Columbia

Modifying a child custody order can be complicated, but an experienced child custody modification lawyer in Howard County can help with your case. An advocate at our firm can speak with you about your options. Contact the Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, PA for more information. We can be reached by phone at 410-964-0050.


Anne Arundel County

Empire Towers
7310 Ritchie Highway, Suite 910
Glen Burnie, MD 21061

Phone: 410-766-0113

Fax: 410-766-0270

Howard County On the grounds of Columbia Mall

30 Corporate Center
10440 Little Patuxent Parkway,
Suite 900
Columbia, MD 21044

Phone: 410-964-0050

Baltimore County (Arbutus/Catonsville)

Phone: 410-719-7377

Fax: 410-766-0270