How To Make Your Divorce As Smooth As Possible

No married couple wants their union to end in divorce. That’s because the media often portrays divorce as a nasty, emotional event. While a divorce can no doubt become highly emotional, it doesn’t have to be nasty.

In fact, it’s easier in the long run if you can be agreeable with your ex and make the process as smooth as possible. After all, you may have to continue being friendly with your ex, particularly if you have kids.

So how can you make your divorce smooth and peaceful rather than nasty and combative? Here are some tips to consider as you go through the process.

Be Kind to Yourself

Dealing with the difficulties of divorce can be a challenge. Make things easier by being kind to yourself. Show yourself some compassion. Don’t be beating yourself up over the divorce. You’re not the only one to go through one, and you won’t be the last. So don’t be too hard on yourself; you’re only human.

Consider Mediation

Mediation can help you and your spouse negotiate on all the important matters of your divorce. Instead of getting angry at each other and being revengeful and vindictive, you and your spouse can come to agreements that make sense based on your situation. This is better than having a judge make a decision that neither of you agree with.


Communication with an ex-spouse can be extremely difficult. In fact, it may be the reason that you’re getting divorced in the first place. However, if you can be an adult about the situation and get your ex to communicate throughout the divorce, it will be healthier for everyone involved. Remember, if you have kids, your ex will continue to be a part of your life until the children are at least 18 years old. So make it a point to communicate and be cooperative. Use a list or script to help you communicate the most important points. Also, choose a time when you will be calm or not overly stressed or tired.

Keep Conflict Away From the Kids

When couples divorce, children often get caught in the middle. Avoid doing this to your kids. They should not be used as pawns or weapons in your divorce battle. They also should not be used as middlemen or therapists. When you need to tell your spouse something, you need to do the communicating—not the children. When you need a shoulder to cry on, talk to a friend or therapist. Your child should not be used as your source of comfort, as they are also grieving the divorce.

Contact a Maryland Family Law Attorney Today

A divorce does not need to result in a nasty court battle. You can split amicably and make things easier for the present and future. This is especially helpful if children are involved.

Divorce with ease with help from the Columbia divorce lawyers at the Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, P.A. We can make it so your split is not too emotionally charged. To schedule a consultation, call (410) 774-5987 or fill out the online form. We have two offices to serve you.


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