Common Marital Issues After a Decade of Marriage

Newlyweds often encounter problems as they adjust to married life and plan their futures together. The infamous seven-year itch often arrives after couples have been married seven years and their happiness with their relationship declines.

Many couples believe that once they have been married for 10 years or longer, they’re in the clear. However, this simply isn’t true. In fact, they’re bound to discover a new set of problems as they stay together longer. People who have been married 10, 20, 30 years or longer still need to put forth the required effort in their marriage. Otherwise, they can find themselves in an unhappy relationship. They may even file for divorce.

Have you been married for a decade or longer? If so, be aware of these common issues that can crop up in your marriage.

You Feel Like Roommates

The longer you stay together, the harder it can be to keep the spark alive. Keeping your marriage filled with romance can be challenging when you have kids, jobs and other responsibilities. This is why you need to be proactive. Schedule regular date nights. Go to couples counseling together to work on your problems.

Marriage Becomes Boredom

It’s not uncommon for spouses to become bored with each other over time. Maybe you’re in a rut. Perhaps your spouse doesn’t want to do anything exciting. One person may be content with the same boring routine day after day.

The solution? Shake things up a little. Try a new hobby. Go on a vacation. Talk about new topics. Find something new that you can do together.

The Sex Has Disappeared

It’s common for the frequency of sex to decline over the years. However, when it disappears completely, it can cause one partner to feel rejected. Many couples are not on the same page when it comes to sex, don’t be afraid to have that discussion. Sex and intimacy are important in a marriage, and a person’s libido can decline over the years for many reasons. Find ways to get out of that rut by hugging, cuddling or kissing. Just taking small steps can help reignite the passion you once had.

Shift in Priorities

When children are involved in a marriage, they often become a couple’s main focus. When the children grow up and leave the nest, the couple sometimes struggles to find a new focus, especially if they are retired. With this shift in priorities, people often discover that they no longer want to spend time with their partner. They are bored. They have different goals in life. This causes couples to drift apart and eventually end their marriage.

Contact a Maryland Divorce Lawyer Today

Marriage issues do not simply go away after being married for a certain amount of time. Even long-term marriages can end in divorce. This is evident in the rise of gray divorces.

Marriages require a significant amount of effort, no matter how long you have been married. If you or your partner is no longer willing to work on your relationship, it may be time to move on. Get help from a Columbia divorce lawyer at the Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, P.A. We can assist you with the legal and emotional components involved. We have two offices to serve you. Fill out the online form or call (410) 774-5987 to schedule a free consultation.


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